Monday, September 12, 2011


It was exactly one year ago today that I obeyed - reluctantly, angrily, and not a little sceptically - the quacks'  decree to go gluten-free or else.

I feel the need to mark the occasion in some meaningful way. But how? Cook a banquet from Modernist Cuisine? Give away all my jars of homemade preserves? Produce an extra-special cheese (parmigiano, perhaps)  that will be ready for unveiling next September 12? Fabricate, at long last, a gluten-free croquembouche - something I have been meaning to do since this whole catastrophe began?

Nope. Too  much work like hard work, especially as I'm still trying to dry out the basement.

But I do need a change. For that reason, I have decided to take a hiatus from writing for the next four weeks and redesign my blog. I have been thinking about this for a while now and concluded that this first anniversary of my enlistment into the Brigade of Gluten Guerillas is an appropriate time for action. I have lots of ideas about how I want my Wit and Wisdom to look and, although I have consciously decided to eschew any sort of formal rumination or philosophizing this evening, a certain amount of reflection about the past year does come into play. Last September I couldn't possibly have foreseen the direction in which my gluten freedom-fight would lead me, as revealed by the hasty and ad hoc cobbling-together of this framework for my thoughts. Now that my course has become clearer, I want the organization of my scribblings to reflect better the way I have come to view food and cooking.

There are many dangers lurking ahead. Perhaps in my eagerness I will accidentally press some sort of doomsday button and all my hard work will go *phoom* - like a bad transporter accident in Star Trek. It's possible the Blogger interface won't allow me to do what I want. Maybe I'll decide to invest in my own domain name and become rich and famous! Experimentation will be the order of the day and I have no idea how it will all turn out in the end.

Four weeks from today is October 10th, but it makes more sense for the grand unveiling to take place on a Sunday, when I will have fewer laboratory responsibilities with which to contend. But I think I'll need to build into the schedule an extra week's buffer in case I am suddenly struck down by apoplexy or some other dire nervous condition brought on by the stress of web design. That takes me to October 16, which is Sir's birthday. I'll probably be planning all manner of extravagant festivities - or at least, baking a cake.

October 25th it is.

Hope to see you then!

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