Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Snack Attack

How does the intrepid gluten-freedom fighter keep up her strength when driving over heuwel and veldt, exploring the highways and byways of Paarl, Franschhoek, and Stellenbosch?

By ensuring she consumes a proper balance of vitamins, minerals, and other important nutrients, of course!

After painstaking research, I hit upon a winning combination of locally-produced, tasty, good-for-me nibbles: Safari-brand fruit-flavored blokkies for fiber and vitamin C; South African nougat with roasted almonds for manganese and iron; Amarula-filled chocolate bars for calcium and vitamin D; and peppadews® for vitamin E and magnesium.

Biltong and droewors provide much-needed protein, sodium, and fat ... 

... although these specimens went untasted.

Why? Because they had been carefully packaged for smuggling past inquisitive customs inspectors! The diligence of these otherwise irreproachable public servants, who are often distressingly single-minded in their search for confiscationable foodstuffs, is the reason why the gods invented vacuum-sealers, dirty laundry, and plastic luggage-wrap - judicious use of which renders such delectable contraband undetectable to the CBP's state-of-the-art hell-hound sniffer dogs.

Most of the time.

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